Thursday, September 25, 2008

Global wamring effects on animals

Global Warming affects cold seas and polar communitiesl: Polar bears are losing weight and getting less fit because the ice caps are breaking up and polar bears are finding it hard to catch food.

As average temperature increases, optimum habitat for many species will move higher up mountains or further towards the Poles.

Global Warming Effects!

Global warming has a big effect on sea levels. As the earths atmosphere heats up it cause ice caps to melt which will cause sea levels to begin to rise around the world. Global warming also has a huge effect on humans, animals and plants because if the tempeture keeps rising in the earths atmosphere it will cause significant worlwide climatic changes eg. Hurricanes have changed in frequency and strength, Heat waves more frequent and Warmer temperatures affect human health.

How to decrease global warming

Everybody can help to decrease global warming by 1.recycling - if people recycle they can stop the amount of tree's being cut down around the world. 2. walking instead of driving short distances.- if people stop driving short distances and walk instead they would stop the amount of methane gases being released into the atmosphere. 3. turning off all lights and other electrical equipment which you are not using.- this would decrease the amount of fossil fuels being burnt to supply elecricty.

If everyone does their part, there would be a significant change in global warming.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Global warming weather

Globalwarng has a huge effect on weather. eg. warming winds, hurricanes, increase of rain etc. Extreme weather will increase if we continue buring the amount of fossil fuels and not doing anything about global warming. Extreme weather will decrese population eg. tsunami will destroy buildings and kill many people, hurricanes will sweep through towns destroying buildings and homes of peoples and also lowering population.

Global warming causes

Man made causes- Global warming is mainly caused by man. The main problem caused by man is pollution, eg. burning fossil fuels which release methane gas into the earths atmosphere which then traps heat in the atmoshere.
Population is another problem assoiated with global warming because a rise in population in any country means that more food and more ways of transport. More transport means more methane gases are produced into the envirement because more fossil fuels are burnt.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Global warming 101

This video shows what global warming is doing to our planet. I got this video from youtube.

An Inconvenient Truth

This is a short clip from the movie The Inconvenient Truth which shows what we can do to help stop global warming. I got this image from Google Video

Friday, September 12, 2008

Glacier melted due to global warming

As you can see from this image this glacier was frozen completey in 1928, but the rise in atmospheric tempeture between 1928 and 2004 has caused this glacier to melt.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Greenhouse effect.

Green house effect- the greenhouse effect is the rising of tempeture of the earths atmosphere due to gasses being trapped in the earths surface. Normally the gasses would pass back through the earths atmosphere but the rise in coarbon ammisions is trapping the gasses.The greenhouse effect is very important because without it the earth would not be warm enough to support human life. If the tempeture keeps rising as it is it will cause huge problems to humans, plants and animals.

Green house effect diagram

I got this image from google images because it shows what the greenhouse effect is in an image

Monday, September 8, 2008

Ice caps melting

I got his image from google images because it is showing what global warming is doing to the ice caps

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Global warming effects animals aswell

I got this pictuir from Gooogle images which shows ice caps melting and how it effects animals.